Sunday, October 6, 2024

Saturday Afternoon Session

Conducting: Elder Gerrit W Gong

Holding Hands Around the World


Elder D Todd Christofferson

·       Lay down the weapons of rebellion and have true conversion

o   How can we lay down “weapons of rebellion”

·      Nehor and Korihor

o   No sins = no need for repentance so no savior

o   Rejects religious authority

o   No crime

o   Usurps power and authority

·       William Phelps buried his weapons of rebellion

·       People who may not actively rebel against God may still oppose the will and word of God by pursuing their own path without regard to divine direction

·       We should do it God’s way

·       Weapons can change based on how they’re used

·       Some weapons used by the sons to defend themselves weren’t even weapons at all

·       There are things in our church that are neutral or maybe even inherently good, but when used the wrong way can become “weapons of rebellion”

o   Speaking in a way to demean or hurt others

o   Devotion to something like a career becoming the paramount focus, everything else becoming secondary.

§  Focusing only on the physical achievements

o   Failing to cleave to and lift ones spouse, failing to nurture children

·       We are to glorify God in both body and spirit. We need to spend time caring for our bodies the best we can.

o   It would be a mark of rebellion to deface or defile or abuse your body

o   Vanity = Worship God instead of his gift

·       Putting the first commandment first and letting God prevail

·       Unending commitment to ultimate happiness

·       The final freedom from sin is not even desiring to do it anymore

·       The grace of God will take away the stain of rebellion from out hearts, and in time any desire to do evil


Jose A Texieria 70

·       Jesus used everyday items as metaphors to spread the messages of the gospel

o   Salt

o   Fleur of salt

§  Seawater is channeled into shallow ponds, known as salt pans, where it is left to evaporate

§  Fleur of salt forms delicate crystals on the salt pans

§  Incredibly pure and have a special texture

§  Skimmed using specialized tools

§  Known as “salt cream” because it can be skimmed like cream

§  Salt is cherished for its purity and exceptional flavor

·       Like this people put the highest effort into good quality of salt, so we should put that same effort into sharing the pure love of Christ

·       Without a strong inner faith, we lose the ability to create a change in the world

·       How can we use our discipleship to be a positive influence?

·       Continue to be involved in service and stop becoming suffocated by self interest

·       We can do simple things which take consistent efforts

·       Keeping the house of the Lord at the center of our devotion: Temples

o   In the temple we find the heart of our faith in Jesus Christ and the center of our devotion to Him

·       Teach and live the principles of the gospel in our families

·       Accepting callings and serve

·       Digital communication tools for wise connections

·       Be anxiously engaged in service

o   Services helps us avoid spiritual apathy

o   Service is not always convenient but is always rewarding

·       We can become the salt of the earth – the tiny little crystals of salt the Lord wants us to be




Juan Pablo Villar 70

·       Wave story about him and his brothers – the waves were bigger than he realized

·       Even if you are disoriented you may be closer to the shore than you may realize

·       Even when you are not paying attention, the Savior is and He will protect you from the waves

·       Help and example to let us deal with challenges and be victorious – this is Christ

·       The hand of his brother rescued him and showed him how to deal with his challenge and be victorious

·       If we think celestial, we will realize that we will face challenges that may seem greater than our capacity to overcome them.

·       Do not forget who has power over those waves, and in fact over all things. That is Jesus Christ.

·       He can reach us where we are, as we are. Christ has the power to get us out of every difficult situation

·       He is always ready and waiting to hold His hands out to us

·       Peter was afraid when he walked on the waves, but he called out to Jesus. Jesus knew both Peter’s faith and fear, and immediately helped him.

o   Wherefore dids’t thou doubt? Matthew 14:31 vs. Mark 9:23-25

·       Jesus Christ is our rescuer and our advocate

·       He will not give up on us – He persists so that you can overcome your challenges and succeed. He will be there as many times as we require help

·       His hand will always be there for us even if we can’t see it or feel it at first. Have faith for He will always be there.


Elder Patrick Kearon

·       Welcome to the Church of Joy

·       Even as the storms of life pound upon us, we can cultivatea sense of joy and inner peace because of our joy in Christ and our knowledge of His plan

·       Jesus Christ is Joy

·       Joy should be most apparent in our sacrament meetings, where we worship the source of All Joy

·       Bring the Spirit of Joy to church

·       We can make our sacrament meeting alive with a spirit of Joyful Reverence

·       Reverence is more than just quietly sitting, bowing our head, closing our eyes, and holding still indefinitely

·       Reverence is honoring and revering Christ and our Heavenly Parents. It includes adoration and love, gratitude and joy, peace and safety, and so much more.

·       What is your intent while worshiping on Sundays at church? Are you there to be joyful?

·       In Christ’s presence it is joyful

·       Adore and praise God in a way that transforms us – transformations is a natural output of loving God

·       The purpose of the Sacrament isn’t to think about all the ways we’ve screwed up. The purpose is to think of how the Lord has relentlessly pursued us and how repentance can bring joy

·       Reflect on all the ways Christ was relentlessly pursuing us through the week

·       God is so aware of you.

·       We sometimes get stuck there - in the garden, on the cross, in the tomb.

·       Sometimes there’s no such thing as a time of stillness or reverence. This is when we can spread joyful reverence in the home during the week.

·       Joy looks different for different people

·       How would He want us to feel?

·       If this is boasting, so will I boast. For this is my joy, my life, my light, and my great thanksgiving. Welcome to the Church of JOY.


Redeemer of Israel


Elder David L Buckner 70

·       There is a clear and divine example we can look to for unity, love, and belonging. That example is Jesus Christ.

·       The Savior uses the word “friend” to describe a sacred and cherished relationship

o   Not as the world sees friend

·       Jesus won’t friendzone us

·       John 15:13

·       We should seek holier and higher relationships with others

·       No longer were we looking across the table at each other, but up at heaven with each other.

·       There is always more that connects us than divides us

·       Because you don’t do what I do and I don’t do what you do, we need each other.

·       We are all blessed with our own gifts and talents that allow us to learn from each other and progress

·       To divide and conquer is the adversary’s plan – it is the Savior who unites.

·       The essence of truly belonging is to belong with Christ

·       Not so they see us, but so they see Christ through us

·       The sign “visitors welcome” is not enough. Doing nothing is no good. Action creates invitations.

·       This is Church: a place of gathering and recovery, repair, and refocus.

·       Sitting in a pew doesn’t make you a Christian any more than sleeping in a garage makes you a car

·       You belong. Come back. It is time.

·       There is room for Everyone.

·       Be one, and boldly declare as He did Ye are my Friends


Elder D Martin Goury 70

·       Repentance is essential

·       He understands

·       Satan delights in your misery – cut it short

·       Daily repentance and prayer connects you to God like daily cleaning of a hearing aid helps his wife hear better

·       Turn to God for guidance and have the Holy Ghost as your constant companion

·       The Holy Ghost provides clarity of thought

·       When we are receptive to the guidance of the Holy Ghost we are more effective to helping those in need

·       As we follow the Holy Ghost He will lead us to repentance and the path of righteousness


Elder Aroldo B Cavalcante 70

·       Mosiah 2:17

·       We can help others progress in their journey to receive God’s blessings

o   How?

·       Sometimes we can unfairly judge others and let them be forgotten

o   Don’t judge a person by their appearance

·       Don’t forget anyone!

·       By supporting others we can help them along the path

·       Look out for people at church. No one gets left behind

·       We will not be perfect, but God will strengthen us, just like how God strengthened Moses’s speaking abilities

·       Heavenly Father and Jesus will support you

·       You are not forgotten. No one is ever forgotten by Jesus Christ


Elder Ulisses Soares

·       Set aside all self-centered pursuits, instead having the mind of Christ

·       Always doing things that please the Lord. Doing what works for the Lord

·       People of the world become obsessed with themselves – “I live my truth and do what works for me”

o   Often justified as being “authentic” by people who indulge in self-centeredness

·       We need to be constantly vigilant and careful to not adopt this type of worldly philosophy

o   Being sincerely Christlike is more important than being authentic

·       Pharisees implied that their lineage would grant them special privileges in the sight of God

o   Their presumptuous attitude left no place in their hearts for the Savior’s words and God’s way

·       This is an old trick of the adversary

·       Seek to emulate Him – not only to do His will

·       Spiritual submissiveness to God

·       Your body is a sacred gift from God and is a place where the spirit can dwell

·       The ultimate test of our discipleship is to give up our whole self and submit to God

·       Each of us will be able to declare, with covenant confidence, to our Heavenly Father that “what works for Thee, works for me”


When the Savior Comes Again

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