Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunday Morning Session

Rejoice the Lord is King

Conducting: Dallin H Oaks

On This Day of Joy and Gladness

I Know That my Redeemer Lives


Elder Jeffrey R Holland

·       Jesus bears no weapon of any kind

·       “making the whole group wish they had been assigned kitchen duty that night”

·       There is no beauty that we should desire him

o   Did not have fancy clothes

o   Did not have wealth

o   Did not have professional training in synagogues

·       Jesus was always triumphant

o   We have no explanation except his divine DNA

o   We have simplified, even trivialized our image of Him and His witness of who He was.

§  Righteousness to mere prudishness

§  Mercy to mere permissiveness

·       We must not be guilty of simplistic versions that ignore teachings we find uncomfortable

·       We can’t ignore the centrality of love even if it makes us uncomfortable

·       Love thy neighbor as thyself is absolutely necessary to be a disciple of Christ

·       What he actually said

o   If ye love me, keep my commandments

o   Love one another as I have loved you


·       How did Jesus Love?

o   With all His heart, might, mind, and strength

§  Which gave Him the ability to heal the deepest pain and declare the harshest reality

o   Obedience to every word that proceeded from God’s mouth

§  Always aligning His will and His behavior with that of His Heavenly Father

·       His Love

o   Allows an encouraging embrace when it is often needed and a bitter cup when it needs to be swallowed

o   Evident in complete loyalty to His divine will

o   Persisted and continues to persist

§  Not just through the easy and comfortable days, but especially through the darkest and most difficult ones.

o   Faileth not

§  And neither does His Father’s

o   Exemplifies, empowers, and imparts

·       Could heal the deepest pain. Full of grace and truth

·       Truth is hard to hear, but when we listen, we can feel His love and peace

·       What sets Jesus apart is his total devotion to Heavenly Father’s will. When we say we are “trying to be like Jesus”, we are trying to align ourselves more with God’s will

·       “Not just through the easiest days, but especially the most difficult ones”

·       There is a force determined to oppose every good thing you try to do

·       We will stay for the whole course – because as with our Redeemer we signed on for the whole thing.

o   Because we signed up for the whole course.

o   Because Jesus wants us to and we love Him

o   Because of the ordinances

o   Because we can make it better for future generations

·       The joy in this is the Headmaster gave us all open book answers before the course began, and provided helpers to remind us of those answers

·       Whom seek ye?

o   Jesus of Nazareth

·       He is carrying us even when we though He abandoned us

·       The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints is the vehicle God has provided for the exaltation of our souls

o   The gospel is true! 

o   The priesthood is not derivative!


Sister Tracy Y Browning 2nd counselor YWs

·       “I’m old enough to remember when we were taught in school that we had nine planets”

o   Me tooooo

·       Science did lots of science and now pluto is no longer a planet

·       There are some parallels and key distinctions between expanding scientific knowledge and seeking answers to our spiritual questions

·       How we can respond to the limits of our spiritual understanding and prepare ourselves for growth: asking and not understanding is part of this life and is an essential part of spiritual progress

·       We thought we understood, and we were wrong. I think this applies to a lot of things in the world and the church (see AoF 9)

·       Asking for questions and searching for meaning is a natural part of our human experience. 

·       God’s plan is merciful towards the limitations of our humanity

·       Not having complete answers can bring us to the edge of our understanding and sometimes it can feel overwhelming and frustrating

·       Christ, our Shepherd, encourages and inspires us to use our agency

·       Asking questions is not a sign of weakness

o   It’s a precursor of growth

·       God helps us accomplish things, even when we reach the edge of our understanding

·       Ask sincerely, rather than just to confirm a conclusion we’ve already decided

·       Thoughtful processes [of science] may be incomplete to discern things pertaining to Heavenly father and our savior, their gospel, their church, and their plan for all of us

·       We center Jesus Christ in seeking answers and their meaning

·       ASK, SEEK, KNOCK

·       We may be required to wait upon the Lord in the space between our current line of understanding and the next yet to be delivered

·       Demonstrate obedience = eternal knowledge given to us

·       Revelation of God is always compatible with His eternal law and it never contradicts His doctrine

·       God’s laws and commandments are not meant to be a block in your life

·       Our humble obedience will pave the way for our spiritual discernment of God’s ways and His purpose for teaching all of us

·       Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are the source of all truth and share their wisdom liberally

o   Keep in mind that you do not know anything truth personally unless shared with you by Them

·       We may find that other needs are more challenging and may create difficult and complex feelings within us.

·       Or, in our search for spiritual truth, we may reach less accurate interpretations if we rely exclusively on our own limited understanding

·       Some questions may persist until God [who knows everything] provides enlightenment through our belief on his name

·       Resisting obedience may prolong or delay our growth

·       This life is a divine and profound experience in trust

·       Trust that the Lord knows what he is doing with you

·       Our sincere gospel questions can provide Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ with opportunities to help us grow

·       Even if you don’t understand how He is going to do it, there is a way. Trust Him.

·       You will change. The higher you are, the farther you can see


Elder Brook P Hales

·       Story of a woman

o   Had many difficult trials

o   Divorced at age 32 with 4 children  

o   One of her sons passed away

o   Message from her son to his mother: “it is all okay” 

·       Mortality works. It is designed to work

·       Heavenly Father has designed the plan of happiness such that we are not designed to fail

·       HIs plan provides a way for us to rise above our mortal failures

·       We WILL encounter situations that try us and people who enable us to practice true charity and patience

·       WE need to bear up under our difficulties

·       The Lord will prove us in all things

o   To our utter limits

·       For mortality to work, we have to let ourselves have the trials. Embrace the hardship, for we know that it will make us better

·       When we feel anxious or that we might be receiving more than our fair share of life’s difficulties

o   We shall remember the way in which the Lord led us for 49 years in the wilderness, to humble us and to prove us, whether we would keep the commandments or not

o   We have suffered afflictions and much sorrow, nevertheless God will consecrate our afflictions for our strength

o   “Nevertheless, whosoever putteth his trust in the Lord, the same shall be lifted up at the last day”

§  Mosiah 23:21-22

·       We can still feel guilt and affliction and bad self-worth because of the actions of others

o   But the Lord can strengthen us and bear us up

·       My strength is made perfect in weakness

·       “Thou hast suffered afflictions…but thy afflictions shall be consecrated for thy gain.”

o   2 Nephi 2:2

·       I have always been a person of worth

·       Because of the Saviors Atonement, mortality works.

·       Because of our life experiences we can

o   Be kinder to others

o   Understand them as the Lord did

·       “God’s work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man”

o   Moses 1:39

·       We were NOT sent here to fail!! 

o   But to succeed in God’s plan for us

·       Mortality works; it worked for his ma, it’ll work for you too

·       As we:

o   Enter and keep covenants 

o   Repent

o   Serve others 

o   Endure to the end

·       We can have assurance and complete trust in the lord that mortality works!




Elder L Todd Budge

·       In returning and rest will ye be saved. Body will die without nourishment. So will spirit

·       The Japanese word for “busy” is made up of a character for 2 symbols: the one on the left means heart or spirit, and the one on the right means death

o   Being too busy could make our spirits die

·       In this fast-paced world, He knew making quality time for Him would be one of the major challenges of our day

·       “In returning and rest shall ye be saved. In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength”

o   Isaiah 30:15

·       Even though our salvation depends on returning to him often and resting from the cares of the world, we do not!

·       Why not??

o   We are busy with other things

o   So we get further and further from God. We insist on going faster and faster, and the faster we go, the swifter Satan will follow us

·       Nelson has repeatedly pled with us to make time for the Lord in our lives each and every day

o   Quiet time is sacred time

·       Our focus must be riveted on Him and His gospel.

·       Being still requires more than just making time for the lord

o   Letting go of our doubts and fearful thoughts

·       Being still involves so much more than just not moving

o   It is an act of faith

·       Growth comes with rest–we receive revelation through quiet moments.

·       Quiet time is sacred time that will facilitate revelation and peace.

·       Being still is an act of faith and requires effort

o   Mentally rigorous looking to the Savior

o   Meditation

·       You too must be still

·       Meditation is one of the most sacred doors through which we pass into the presence of the Lord

·       Mui – japanese word that captures a contemplative sense of what it means to be still

o   Left sign: nothing

o   Right sign: doing

o   Reminder to slow down, live with more spiritual awareness

·       We don't know why someone else might struggle with something

·       As much as He desires our attention, He will not force us to gather to Him

·       Approach them with the same mindfulness and focus as approaching Japanese Calligraphy

·       How to be still?

o   We can, when praying, spend more time just being next to God instead of talking to him

o   Do not just read the scriptures, but SAVOR them

o   Sit quietly with the Lord on the Sabbath, day of rest

o   Make a more disciplined effort to pay attention; linger a little longer in the celestial room in quiet reflection

·       Sometimes you just need to go to a quiet solitary place to seek quiet time with God

o   NO distractions!!

§  No phone, no music (unless that helps you like me), no books (scriptures ok)

·       We are often troubled, but when we commune with the Lord every day we can find peace

·       As we concentrate our hearts and minds on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and listen to the Holy Ghost, we will have greater clarity about what is most needful, develop deeper compassion, and find rest and strength in him

·       If ye shall seek for me, then find me.

·       Always being in motion may add to the commotion of life


Guide Us Oh Thou Great Jehovah


Elder Gary E Stevenson

·       The Church is resplendent with divine experience that demonstrate how the Lord has guided his Church

·       1820-1830 - beginning of restoration of the church

·       This year, we have commenced a decade that may prove to be as momentous as any that has followed that parallel founding decade 2 centuries ago:

o   Between 2024 and 2034 has seminal events that provide extraordinary opportunities to serve and commune with others 

o   World’s oldest religious leader turns 100 (Pres Nelson)

o   A refurbished plaza on Temple Square featuring a display of international flags representing countries where the church is recognized, was unveiled

§  “All nations shall flow unto it”

o   The unprecedented number of temple open houses and dedications that are planned to take place over the next decade

o   Bicentennial of the organization of the Church

·       President Nelson is not just an executive, but a prophet, seer, and revelator

·       These will be days not to be forgotten

·       Prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled

·       “Glad tidings!”

o   Comes from the greek word “euangelion”, which means good news, or the gospel

o   Joy in this world and in the next is always linked with the gospel of Jesus Christ

o   Men and women are that they might have joy

·       The atonement is central to God’s plan

·       As we do so, we participate in god’s work of salvation and exaltation

·       Youth and Young Adults!

o   You are here on earth now because you have been selected to be here on earth now

o   You have the strength and capacity to be disciples of Christ in an unprecedented way

o   Imagine how exciting this next decade can be for us

o   We have the courage and determination to face the world and all the powers of the evil one, to build up the zion of our God fearless of all consequences

o   We are unusually mindful of the less fortunate

o   Magnificent nature of our testimonies

o   Immense capacity to influence your peers as you love, share, and invite them to explore the gospel of Jesus Christ

·       4 simple activites – divinely appointed responsibilities

o   Living the gospel

o   Caring for those in need

o   Inviting all to receive the gospel

o   Uniting families for eternity

·       It is in our nature to bear one another’s burdens and comfort those that stand in need of comfort

·       The rising generation is full of spirits filled with courage and determinations

·       This will be a decade never to be forgotten for you if you follow these principles 

·       Enrich and enhance your life with the gospel


Brother Bradley R Wilcox 1st counselor YM

·       Why? Why must Latter-Day saints live so differently from others?

·       Story of silly but valid questions kids ask God

·       EVERYONE is a child of God

·       There are many valiant followers of Christ who are not members of our church

·       In 1988, Nelson gave an address at BYU called “Thanks for the Covenant”


o   Explained that when we use our moral agency to make and keep covenants with God, we become heirs of the everlasting covenant God has made with our forebears in every dispensation

·       Our birthright sets us apart.

·       In OT times, if a father passed away, the birthright son was tasked to care for the sisters and mother 

o   Never got to leave; could marry but had to spend the rest of his life taking care of his father’s estate

o   Got extra inheritance though

·       We receive inheritance as a joint heir of Christ

·       Is it too much for God to expect us to live differently than Hs other children so we can better lead and serve them?

o   NO, not when we get so many blessings from keeping our covenants

o   Does the birthright mean we’re better than others?

§  NO

§  Help others to be better

o   Does it mean we are chosen?

§  YES! But not to rule over others.

§  To serve

o   Does it show god’s love?

§  It is evidence of his TRUST

§  It is one thing to be loved and another thing entirely to be trusted

·       Your Father in Heaven Trusts You

o   For the Strength of Youth

·       He does not want to lose any of us, so he invites those who are willing to become members of his crew

·       Because of our choice to make and keep covenants, he offers you his trust.

·       He trusts you to be: 

o   Different

o   Peculiar

o   set apart because of the important work he trusts you to do

·       His crew members

·       When we look around on this cruise ship called earth, we might see other people gambling, playing video games, wearing scanty clads.

o   Instead of thinking “why can’t I do that?” remember that we are NOT ordinary passengers. We are members of the crew.

o   You can’t be a lifeguard if you look like all the other swimmers on the beach

o   We receive something the other passengers do not: compensation!

·       Your compensation is not merely a mansion in Heaven with streets paved of gold.

·       It’s a lot to ask of anyone. But we are not just anyone. We are youth of the noble birthright

·       An endowment of strength and an enabling power

·       It would be easy for God to give us all that he has. His desire is for us to become all that He is

·       More trust -> more grace

·       Your covenant relationship with God and Jesus Christ is a relationship of love and trust.

·       He meets you where you are and helps you repent and improve

·       Don’t sell your birthright for a mess of pottage – DON’T TRADE EVERYTHING FOR NOTHING

·       2 Nephi 2:26

·       Don’t let the world change you when you were born to change the world


MY Shepherd Will Supply my Need


President Henry B Eyring

·        We all have family and dear friends that are being tempted and tried by Satan

·        He pled for God's help.

·        The word of God is mightier than the sword. The doctrine. 

·       Foundation of the gospel:

o   D&C 18 – the foundation of His doctrine is revealed

o   Repent

o   The Lord suffered so that all men might repent

o   He has risen from the dead so that he may raise all men unto repentance

·       It may be tempting to try something new and sensational, but the Holy Ghost will reveal the truth and truth only

·       Be simple in our teaching

·       Safety is gained by that teaching, and little is lost

·       Seize every opportunity to share the teachings of Jesus Christ with Children

·       What words of doctrine can I share to strengthen them from the inevitable doubtings of their faith?

·       Everything that we teach should link back to the 2 great commandments and the love of Jesus Christ. That is the point.

·       Story of the woman in Berlin teaching to doctrine of the gospel there and getting put in jail, the writing a letter of the restored gospel to the judge got her out of jail

·       Do I know the doctrine well enough to teach it?

·       Cry unto God for all thy support

·       If you look to the Lord and thank him, we will draw closer to Him, become diligent and long-suffering, and you can know that you have done all that you can to help those you love and those you pray for navigate through Satan’s attempt to derail them.

·       Remembering the words of their parents saved them


The Spirit of God

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