Sunday, October 6, 2024

Saturday Morning Session

Conducting: President Henry B Eyring

Press Forward Saints

Sustaining Vote

I Will Follow God’s Plan


Elder Niel L Anderson

·       Faith + Hope + Charity

·       Sacred and Eternal Hopes

·       Confident Expectations

·       Hope brightens the darkened room so we can see the glorious future

·       Hope is a precious blessing

·       If you have faith, then you have hope – faith is the substance of hope

·       Joy comes in Jesus Christ as we triumph over the challenges in this mortal life

·       Alma 32:21 – or just all of Alma 32

·       Nothing can darken our hope as we believe and hold tightly to our covenants

·       Every righteous person can receive every blessing

·       “The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.” President Nelson Oct 2016

·       His Joy is constant

·       As you trust in the Lord His peace will come

·       Our Hope is the Savior Jesus Christ, He is our Hope and our Triumph


President Emily Bell Freeman YW General President

·       In order for an ordinance to manifest the power of God in our lives it must be done with authority from the Son of God

·       We don’t just make covenant promises, we must keep them

·       Do you recognize how God’s power works within you? D&C 25

·       Women can fully access the gift of God’s power through priesthood ordiances

·       Emma was given revelation about how priesthood ordiances would work in her life

o   Who she was, and whose she was – her place in His Kingdom

o   Invited to walk the paths of virtue

o   You are an essential participant in the Restoration

o   Set apart to expand scriptures and exhort the church

o   Daughter in the Kingdom-> elect Lady -> Queen

·       The restoration and the Lord’s counsel to Emma will guide and bless us

·       We all get a chance to witness and use God’s power. 😁

·       Times we get to participate in the ordinances of the Gospel

o   Sacrament

o   Passing the threshold of the temple

·       Power of Godliness is manifest


Elder Karl D Hirst 70

·       He feels Heavenly Fathers love through the love he feels for his children

·       It’s wonderful that at times we can feel so fully and personally loved and noticed

o   If Nephi can call Jesus “His Jesus” we can call Him that too

·       God’s love is where we all overlap on the circles of the Venn diagram

·       What circumstances help you to feel God’s love?

·       We’re all Jesus’s favorite and we should all be our parents’ favorite, each of us.

·       Broken people, perfect love

·       However misshapen we might feel His arms are not shortened.

·       You are not beyond the reach of God’s love – He will never stop loving us

·       When you can’t feel God’s love, we shouldn’t consider the possibility that it’s because God has stopped loving us until after the mountains and hills have gone.

·       There are different ways of feeling and receiving divine love.

o   Looking at the starts

o   Feeling the rain on your skin, or a breeze

o   Music

o   Keeping a journal

o   Ask people you trust to share how they feel divine connection

·       If you could choose a place for you and Jesus to meet – He may have already found you there.

·       If you are waiting for Him to come, He may already be there within reach

·       Hold onto God’s love as effectively as a sieve full of water. When you share it, this can help you feel joy.

·       Joy is our purpose not the gift of our circumstances.


How Firm a Foundation


Elder Dale G Renlund

·       The story of Nobel and nitroglycerin turning it into dynamite

o   Undiminished explosive power

·       The Gospel provides powerful and transformative benefits for us

o   The combination of Christ’s Gospel, and the Church of Jesus Christ

·       The church is not a location or a building – it’s the people

·       The church is an instrument

·       Keeping our covenants provides us access to God and transforms us

·       The church is special only if it is built on His gospel.

·       The church enables access to God’s power because it’s authorized by Him to teach His gospel and offer His ordinances

·       Jesus Christ wants nothing more than for us to repent and come unto Him so He can sanctify us. He is relentless and unwavering.

·       Immerse yourself more fully in the church and the gospel – this is God’s dynamite and with it He will transform us


Elder David P. Homer 70

·       We have a loving Father in heaven who will care for us wherever we are no matter the circumstances

·       The boundaries between right and wrong are not for us to define – they were already established by God

·       While some things may depend on context, not everything does.

·       Don’t be surprised if our personal views are not initially in harmony with the teachings of God’s prophets. – in time you will receive more spiritual clarity

·       If we heed God’s word, we will receive more. If we ignore God’s counsel, we will receive less and less until we have none. This does not mean that God’s will is wrong, just that we have lost the capacity to understand it.  

·       D&C 6:36

·       Look unto the Lord before acting; our faith will overcome our concerns.

·       Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.

·       Don’t let doubt stop us from seeing God’s divine gifts in our lives.

·       God loves us wherever we are, whoever we are. In any circumstance you can cry out to Him “oh God, help thou mine unbelief”.

·       The submission of one’s will, is one of the only uniquely personal things we have to bring to Christ

·       Our agency is not diminished by staying with Christ it is magnified.

·       We can be of good cheer as we trust Them more than anyone


Elder Gregorio E Casillas 70

·       What does our Heavenly Father desire from us?

·       It is crucial for us to learn to be disciples of Jesus Christ

·       He uses us to help bring His children to Him

·       Service shows us charity

·       Story of the mother who had had chemotherapy the day before and so did not have the energy to take care of her disabled son

·       Your spiritual abilities are unique and personal

·       Follow the impressions of the Spirit – God will bless your life, he will bless your family, he will bless his children that you encounter

·       We have the privilege to watch over people who need a helping hand, and embrace a feeling of comfort, or simply for us to be with them in silence

·       The Savior always reminds us as oft as we repent and seek forgiveness with real  intent, we will be forgiven.

·       Get rid of destructive thinking. Keep hope!

·       Give someone hope enough to try once more ourselves.

·       Be the reason someone has hope in crappy situations

·       The Lord Jesus Christ is your savior and knows you personally

·       The Holy Spirit will revive us


God’s Gracious Love


President Dallin H Oaks

·       Come Follow Me

·       Following Christ is not a casual or an occasional practice

·       Obey what He defines as the great commandment in the Law: Love the Lord thy God with all they Heart, love thy neighbor

·       If you cut the string off a kite it will not fly. That string is our covenants – keeping them enables us to soar to celestial heights

·       Keep you connection to your celestial ties.

·       We covenant each Sabbath during the sacrament to always remember and keep His commandments

·       Faith, repentance, baptism, enduring, and becoming as a little child (trust the Lord)

·       Temporary commandments are for the needs of the Lords church to be set aside once the need has come to pass

o   Pioneers

o   While still in force these commandments are still to be obeyed

·       Law of Tithing

o   Needed re-emphasis

·       Proclamation to the Family needed re-emphasis recently

·       Avoid contention

·       Jesus’s doctrine is not one of contention

·       Matthew 5:44-45

·       Show unselfish love for all

·       Blessed are the peacemakers – true disciples of Jesus Christ are peacemakers

·       What are you going to choose? Contention or reconciliation?

·       Sermon on the Mount

·       Follow the golden rule

·       Love and do good to ALL

·       Does not mean to compromise our principles and priorities, but to STOP ATTACKING PEOPLE FOR THEIRS!!!!

·       Will you allow His voice to take priority above any other?

·       Let us seek to be holy like our Savior

·       While we advocate for our positions let us qualify for the blessings of Jesus Christ as peacemakers


Teach to Walk in the Light

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